Harness dual B2B and B2C eCommerce strengths with our solution

Why settle for just one eCommerce approach when you can excel in both B2B and B2C markets? Our innovative solution, using the license-free Magento, empowers you to seamlessly run both business models on a single platform. Sync directly with your ERP for streamlined efficiency, all while enjoying the cost benefits of a license-free platform.

Centralized Management and Lower Costs

Our integration allows for centralized management of your eCommerce operations, reducing the complexity and costs associated with maintaining separate platforms for B2B and B2C. This unified approach ensures a cohesive strategy and operational efficiency.

Customized Dual Websites

Tailor your online presence to cater to distinct B2B and B2C audiences, each with unique interfaces or shared design elements. Our flexible solution allows you to create differentiated websites within Magento, each specifically designed to meet the unique needs and business logic of your respective audiences.

Flexible Product Management

Strategically manage your products to cater to both B2B and B2C marketplaces or focus on one, based on your business strategy. This allows for precise targeting and effective sales strategies across different customer segments.

Dynamic Pricing Strategies

Leverage uniform pricing for B2C customers for simplicity, while the B2B side benefits from more nuanced pricing options. Offer discounts per customer group or individual account pricing, providing tailored solutions to your business clients.

Enhanced B2B Features

Our custom modules enhance the B2B user experience, with options to hide prices or disable checkout for non-logged-in users, and even a full portal mode where only the login page is visible to unauthenticated visitors. These exclusive features create a secure and professional environment for B2B interactions.



Embrace the full potential of e-commerce with our comprehensive, license-free Magento solution. Whether scaling up your B2B operations, broadening your B2C reach, or managing both simultaneously, our solution is equipped to propel your e-commerce strategy forward. Contact us today to discover how our integrated, cost-effective approach can revolutionize your online business.

Interested in Our Solution? Let's Connect!

Whether you're seeking more information, have specific questions, or wish to see a demo of our complete solution, we're here to help.
Reach out to us, and we'll ensure you get all the assistance you need.